Mix plaster knauf rotband technical characteristics

The KNAUF group of companies is long since allocated with the German quality of products which represent gypsum cardboard, gypsum-fiber plates and also construction dry mixes, for example, plaster rotband which characteristics we will consider in article.

The main material with which KNAUF works, – plaster (natural, and now and restored from exhaust gases – REA-gips). Except plaster mixes at the enterprises dry mixes with cement knitting are produced. We offer fact-finding digression over the country Rotband.

Types and description of plaster rotband

Creating "empire", knauf used various ways of involvement of buyers to products. So, by analogy with signature tags on cigars in the form of paper tapes, on packing there was a tape sign of red color symbolizing products of one of rulers.

From here the recognized name of a trademark – the Mouth of gangs — a red tape. Under a symbol of a red tape nowadays produce the plaster plaster dry mixes of several modifications developed for different conditions and applications are more whole.

Once plaster was on sale in pure form, and plasterers made construction solutions on its basis on the place. It was connected with the fact that plaster – substance "whimsical", long does not hesitate, strives to harden quickly. Except this haste, plaster characterizes also ability, absorbing water from air, to turn into "croutons". Therefore if long to store it, without having protected from atmospheric moisture, it is possible to receive raw materials, unusable for business.

For industrial production of CC (dry plaster mixes) the invention of substance delay mechanism and also production of water-proof packing became a condition of emergence. Things are easy – to develop a compounding of the structure having certain properties according to the purpose.

Such purposes at plaster plaster three (the mixes are developed for everyone):

  • technical (serves for alignment of a surface of the basis, an omonolichivaniye of joints, seal of cracks, splitting off);
  • decorative (it is applied for the purpose of decoration of an interior);
  • protective (protects materials of walls, a ceiling, partitions from external influences, softens fluctuations of humidity or temperature, providing comfort of living).

Terms of use are also various. The instability of plasters before influence of moisture limits use of mixes on its basis in an interior. That is, for facades gipsosoderzhashchy plaster mixes are unsuitable.

Restrictedly they are suitable for such rooms as the bathroom, not heated buildings, not glazed loggias. However, specialists of KNAUF tried – more resistant to water created mixes.

To the middle of the century of XX there were plaster cars / stations demanding special quality of a grinding and special composition of the mixes which are not sticking to the surface of the working equipment. According to inquiry in a line of the company CC appeared for plastering by means of cars.

Plaster rotband technical characteristics

The user is interested, first of all, technical characteristics of material. The quality of a plaster covering, its reliability, an operation besproblemnost depend on them (in many respects).

Table 1. Plaster rotband: characteristics

CharacteristicSizeMeasurement unit
Dry plaster covering950
Covering durabilityOn a bend> 1MPa
On compression> 2/5
TermsMaturing of the test10minutes
Solution livesto 25
Drying of a layer of 10 mm45-60
Achievements of full durability7day
The allowed layer thicknessmin0.5cm
Granularity of plaster0.2 - 1.2mm
Expense at h=10mm8.5kg/sq.m
Solution exit from 1 packing (30 kg)~ 40l
Temperature conditions of plasteringfrom 5 to 30the ° C is (above zero)
Period of storageto 6months
Color of plasterwhite, pinkish, gray-

Expiration date and storage conditions

On packing time of production of material is specified. Starting with him, reckon an expiration date. If the producer guarantees maintaining initial qualities not less than half a year (6 months), then such validity can be expected only at safety of packing and also at the correct storage.

Powdery structures store:

  • in non-residential premises;
  • at normal humidity;
  • without hit of sunshine on packing;
  • far from devices heating, but at the room temperature;
  • in a plotnoupakovanny package;
  • at natural ventilation.

Ready structures store in the same conditions. Container is hermetically closed. Expired plaster rotband which characteristics because of a long period of storage were partially lost for plastering in premises or offices becomes unusable.

It is possible to check the validity, having parted a small amount and having applied it on test in the place where the quality is noncritical.

To dissolve expired plaster, mixing from qualitative suitable CC, experts do not recommend. At mixture old (the period of storage left) and new (good) plaster receive always only old.


To avoid fakes, structure CC and ready tests made by the company are not announced. It is known that at structure there is a plaster fine mix, a number of the mineral components giving mixes elasticity, ability to keep moisture, increasing adhesion. Also the components lowering cracking and shrinkage are added.


Ready materials before application mix. Apply with spatula or a trowel (depends on use purpose). CC part with water not above room temperature. The order of cultivation and a proportion are specified by the producer.

From nuances it is necessary to mention:

  1. Need of use of net capacity (plaster at hit even of a lump of the solution which began to dry up, is capable to grab unexpectedly in all volume before term).
  2. To take water only water (clean), it is better cold as warm water reduces life time.
  3. Tools should be cleaned regularly from solution, wiping with damp fabric or washing.
  4. Between plaster solution and the cement/concrete basis the dividing barrier is necessary.

Structures of Rotband of machine plaster can be applied to manual drawing, but not on the contrary. The description of machine and manual drawing are stated in the section Plastering.

Layer thickness

It is known what "heights" deviations of walls from a vertical or from the plane in general can reach. Therefore even the allowed maximum thickness of a plaster layer – 5 cm sometimes does not save.

In such cases apply the following technology of alignment:

  • put a layer maximum (50 mm);
  • allow solution to dry completely;
  • ground a surface twice (as it is necessary according to the instruction);
  • put a layer of missing thickness (to 5 cm).

The minimum thickness needs also to be observed. For Rotband it – 5 mm. The admissible maximum depends on the place of drawing: ceiling surfaces demand a layer no more than 1.5 cm, for walls the maximum makes 5 cm. To optimum gain total thickness on the scheme provided above with thickness of layers of 10-15 mm.

Release form

Two forms of plaster structures – ready dough and dry mix are developed and are made. Dough is packed into plastic buckets, since the volume of 5 liters, finishing with a capacity of 20 liters. The paste ready to use, it is impossible to leave in open form for a long time.

The second form more popular – the loose mixes divorced water before application. The producer uses for packing bags from special paper or plastic bags. In the first CC fill from 5 to 30 kg, in the second – only on 5 kg.

Packing is supplied with protection against fakes:

  • in a paper container for the top layer special paper on which the method of stamping put protective strips is used;
  • productions of plaster structure
  • date to within a second;
  • on the face craft bags weighing 5 and 10 kg the hologram is placed;
  • on the face of packings of 25-30 kg the stamp reporting that the quality is checked that plaster mix conforms to the German standard is put (see the picture).
Besides the sounded (advertized) ways of protection, KNAUF uses not advertized. These ways are known only to representatives of the company. Therefore if you doubt authenticity of goods, address representatives of KNAUF.


In the nature plaster raw materials on fields can differ with structure on which color of plaster mix depends as a result. The processing plants of KNAUF located near the concrete field let out CC with a shade of natural raw materials. Therefore three kinds of color and transitional shades meet:

  • pink;
  • different degree of purity white, for example, Astrakhan production;
  • gray.

Influence of color on quality of working solution are not found out. Some claim that white solution is inclined to flow down more on a wall, others attribute such behavior to pink or gray solutions. The producer does not specify color of mix, so influence on working qualities should not be.

Pink shade mixes can give the present particles of red clay, for example, by production of CC of the Chelyabinsk fields. Clay particles give to solution big plasticity, but also give to a form big stability. The organic chemistry can give shades gray, impurity of manganese or gland supplies with some yellowness, impurity of silt plants trees and shrubs.

Color of plaster, for example, pink can be appeared through thin wall-paper or filling. In that case it is necessary to buy mixes of white color. Under other circumstances there is no difference.

Size of fraction

Enters the CC plaster in a ground state. Placeability and roughness of the received surface depends on the size of fractions. The allowed size – no more than 1.2 mm. However, from properties of natural plaster, it appears, also the granularity of raw materials depends.

So to Kolpino produce mixes with grain of 1 mm, and in Chelyabinsk and Krasnogorsk plaster kernels in structure to 0.5 mm. Such plaster allows to receive the surfaces suitable under painting or to plaster under thin wall-paper. It is better to carry out decorative plaster or alignment under a tile from more rude structures.

Drying time

After a zatvoreniye in mix the chemical processes connected with allocation of ions, formation of solution with the subsequent crystallization begin to happen. The beginning and course of each stage of process have time frames.

Therefore allocate the next periods on time:

  • maturing (semi-water plaster after mixture passes into a form of water plaster) – duration of 10 minutes;
  • being in open capacity, the structure keeps plasticity, consistence of semi-fluid weight – duration before half an hour;
  • the fast skhvatyvaniye with loss of plasticity separates this phase from previous;
  • drying of a layer of the minimum thickness happens according to room conditions, several hours last;
  • remaining in the thickness of a layer, moisture is spent for formation of additional communications, hardening of a covering (solution is not mobile, however easily we destroy even by small loading), on full drying week leaves.

It is possible to perform the subsequent finishing works after week drying.


Resilience of a plaster covering to the external pressing influences depends on strength characteristics. Concrete data can be obtained only by means of laboratory researches. KNAUF guarantees a set of durability by plaster structure on a bend not less than 1 megapascal, on durability – not less than 2.5 megapascals.

It belongs only to the coverings created without violation of the instruction. In other words, the covering will remain whole with a pressure upon centimeter of a surface of force of 25.5 kg.


This quality allows to create unique decorative coverings, to carry out alignment on remote sites, densely, without formation of emptiness to close up gleams in joints, to cover the "drowned" hats of self-tapping screws on the surface of gypsum cardboard.

Ability of plaster weight it is easy to fill cracks, to lay down a layer of the necessary thickness, to be sympathetic on the slightest movement of the tool depends not only on the sizes of fractions of components of structure, but also on additives — mineral natural substances and synthetic modifiers. Rotband plaster has the characteristics distinguishing it from competitors high plasticity.

Adhesion and density

The ability of cling plaster to various bases is enhanced in structures Rotband. Weight lays down and strongly keeps on concrete, old plaster, metal, a tree, a brick. Especially experts of the mix Rotband for gypsum cardboard plastering recommend. Rotband also suits for plastering of porous materials (with a condition of blockage of a time priming means).

Moisture-holding ability

During creation of coverings from solutions with a plaster basis, pores of the basis are required to be clogged up that moisture from solution was not extended by emptiness. Uneven dehydration of the drying solution lowers strength characteristics of the created covering. Better to apply signature company funds to primer.

Frost resistance, moisture resistance, vapor permeability

Rotband plaster forms the finely porous coverings capable to absorb couples from air, returning back at increase in dryness indoors, than the comfortable microclimate is created. Passing air, plaster finishing gives the chance to breathe freely to materials of walls.

The third property – frost resistance, – in the heated rooms is not required. It is important if rotbandy plaster the glazed loggias. The structure is capable to maintain without destruction up to 75 (and more) freezing-ottayki cycles.

Rotband apply also to plastering of such rooms as the bathroom, kitchen, a bathroom. However, for this purpose undertake a number of the measures interfering direct intake of moisture to plaster. For example, put a waterproofing film, plaster only some zones, protect a plaster layer a tile.

Heat conductivity

Finely porous plaster material due to smaller structure promotes deduction of heat. Rotband's heat conductivity (0.25 W/m x a hail) below the corresponding indicator of cement material (0.9). At increase in thickness of a layer heatdeduction increases.

Resistance to different factors

Long since plaster was appreciated resistance to various influences. For example, in dry conditions the plaster covering copes with jumps of temperatures, not to taste an insect, does not melt at high temperatures, does not burn.


The plaster consumption specified by the company rotband (provided that layer thickness – 10 mm is observed) on square meter makes 8.5 kg. In practice the expense can slightly differ. It depends on flatness of a surface, level of skill of plasterers and losses in the course of work. When purchasing raw materials it is necessary to increase the size of an expense on 15-20% that there was a "emergency" stock.


Important area where apply plaster of KNAUF, reasonably consider internal works as the conditions of the heated rooms which were less injured for plaster coverings. But there are structures which under certain conditions use also for street finishing.

The waterproof plasters produced by KNAUF use for alignment of the bases in places where the humidity fluctuates, reaching values above of an average.

Except the technical purposes, rotband KNAUF is used for dressing (for example, create fine bas-reliefs). It is not rational to add a color to rotband as after drying color strongly turns pale, and to paint a relief pattern – a task feasible, fascinating. On the basis of plaster of KNAUF it is possible "to knead" structural dough according to own "recipe", having added decorative and structure-forming components – fibers, granules, quartz sand.

Plaster analogs

Close analog of Rotband is plaster plaster Volma. It is possible to replace rotband also CC "Rotgips", "Perfect" or "Gold prospectors". However the German quality proved better than any advertizing.

Close analog of Rotband — plaster plaster Volma. It is possible to replace rotband also CC "Rotgips", "Perfect" or "Gold prospectors". However the German quality served better, professional advertizing.

Popular plaster rotband which characteristics are considered above in the market of plasters is recognized as brand number one. It is pleasant, easy to work with it, technical characteristics are maintained irrespective of the country in which it is marketed. Having chosen Rotband for repair, you already half achieved successful result.

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